We link transactions to customers

Identify every customer through their payment cards, online and in-store with card linking

100% customer identification

Know what, when and where every customer is buying. Our technology gives you the power to deliver a zero-friction customer experience. Understanding customer behaviour is the first step to driving it.

Real time engagement opportunity

Transaction events sent to you in real time means you can engage with the customer in context. Immediacy leads to greater conversion.

Be relevant

Knowing your customers is key to driving conversion.
Personally relevant offers and rewards drive footfall and repeat spend.

Simple integration

  • Working with Bink means it is fast and easy to receive data from all the main card networks in real time.
  • Bink delivers valuable transaction data points in an easy to ingest format to wherever you need them.
  • Benefit from market mature third party tools & SDKs for customer payment card onboarding & tokenisation.